Mar 28·edited Mar 28Liked by Aug Stone

By all means listen to that beauty—on vinyl if at all possible. You won’t regret it! I’d like to offer you a free digital copy of my graphic memoir FAST TIMES IN COMIC BOOK EDITING if you feel like reading about the ‘90s—living and working in NYC. Hit me back at offregisterhq@gmail if you’d like it. If not, no sweat. So broke at the moment or I’d subscribe at a higher tier. But I’ll save up to buy your book soon. Hang in there! Better times are coming! Viva Strummer! Viva Comix & Music!

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Excellent read on The Clash. You’re a bit younger than I (am no longer young, alas) but I loved your reminiscence about discovering the band and how your favorite songs on London Calling tend to jump around. Mine too. Would love to hear your thoughts on Sandinista!, my favorite album of all time. Triple Threat/All killer, no filler. I loved Viv’s memoir—favorite of the many I’ve read in an attempt to write my graphic memoir trilogy.

Writing is a painful act. I tend to avoid it when at all possible. I have a college friend from Trumbull. Small world. Thanks for sharing your love for music. Your substack is one of the few I actually read. Wish I had money to support you further. Instead, I’ll leave you with my favorite Clash songs of all time: Rudie Can’t Fail, Lightning Strikes (Not Once But Twice), Stay Free, Know Your Rights, The Mag 7, Somebody Got Murdered, Rock The Casbah, Lover’s Rock.

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